
Merits & Tree possesses extensive experience in blockchain and digital assets. Owing to our strength in conducting in-depth research on emerging legal services, we have become the first leading law firm to provide legal services in these areas. Merits & Tree has provided many overseas institutions with related legal services, including the establishment of token funds, investment in overseas digital assets, compliance related to overseas digital assets trading platforms, and dispute resolution.

Our clients include Bitmain, Dfund, ChainFunder and some mainstream U.S. dollar funds.


Scope of Services:

  • Design transaction structures and draft or review SAFT agreements for investments in overseas digital assets;

  • Establish token funds on behalf of our clients;

  • Provide compliance related services on behalf of overseas digital assets trading platforms;

  • Assist clients with negotiation, mediation or settlement with regard to digital assets related litigation and arbitration.

Cyber security and digital compliance


Coupled with the rise of internet technology is an irreversible trend for enterprises to go digital. However, digital transformation is a double-edged sword--there is much to be gained by progress, but enterprises must also take measures to minimize the downsides so as to protect their key assets from damage by security breaches. Merits & Tree has been keeping abreast of the latest developments in cyber security and data-related compliance, and possesses extensive experience in these fields, which allows us to provide businesses with a full range of legal services and assist them in their successful journey to digital transformation. The clients we serve cover a variety of sectors including artificial intelligence, internet, blockchain, finance, big data and media. Our team is highly skilled in building reliable systems with respect to cyber security and data-related compliance for our clients. Keeping up with the trends of cyber security policies at home and abroad, we provide our clients with comprehensive cyber security and data-related compliance training so as to enable them to prevent risks. In case of an emergency related to cyber and data security, our team is always ready to protect your business interests to the fullest extent possible by taking comprehensive measures to safeguard your rights.


Scope of Services:

  • Compliance related to enterprises’ digital transformation;

  • Management of urgent cyber and data security incidents

  • Data-related dispute resolution

  • Protection of enterprises’ data security

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